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The proper license does not exist. The UGS_LICENSE_BUNDLE attach_img NX安装\报错 漫步云端* 2012-4-6 598 46131 爱喝奶的兔子 2019-6-29 10:15
UG NX7.5出现The proper license does not exist. The UGS_LICENSE_BUNDLE attach_img NX安装\报错 等闲庭99 2012-6-15 8 13864 天行宫2014 2017-6-22 14:33
UG FLEXlm Error: The module gateway is not on your license file.[-18] attach_img NX安装\报错 songang 2013-5-18 650 59085 tcxiaowu 2019-7-3 10:36
repair or modify options will not work you must remove and reinstall attach_img NX安装\报错 8686523 2013-5-23 1 3042 老叶* 2013-5-23 17:18
NX Configuration error: Enviroment vatiable UGII_UTF8_MODE is not supported. attach_img NX安装\报错 sssaaa* 2013-11-6 21 13286 覃锦明 2019-6-9 08:55
license server machine is down or not responding的错误提示怎么解决 attach_img NX新手学堂 N!ck 2014-4-22 17 34782 sikivit 2017-12-26 15:25
UG9.0安装出错:Error:could not open attach_img NX安装\报错 流浪哥 2014-9-8 9 8318 阿麟镜 2021-2-6 09:13
安装moldfolw2015 synergy 出现setupres.dll is not found! MoldFlow guosheng* 2014-10-18 0 3298 guosheng* 2014-10-18 22:36
UG转换CAD出现问题:File not found NX8.0交流 天涯非路人 2014-10-28 0 1084 天涯非路人 2014-10-28 09:45
Could not load or could not find the STEP translator library. attach_img NX9.0交流 xuyue514 2014-11-12 2 5229 老叶* 2014-11-12 22:11
moldflow doctor 提示can not find string attach_img MoldFlow rytvisitor 2015-1-22 1 1696 rytvisitor 2015-1-22 22:09
nx10.0OmniCAD运行出现“moudle not enlabled” attach_img NX10.0交流 浮生若夣 2015-6-6 3 2443 5354 2018-1-23 16:35
UG10.0 /open error: fole not found,无法转cad图 attach_img NX10.0交流 蜑_蜑 2016-6-15 1 4240 后入楼主 2016-6-15 16:52
UG10.0在W10安装时出现license not found求解决 NX10.0交流 王祥祥 2016-7-12 4 5167 月洒流莺 2016-7-25 00:21
UG安装提示could not create file attach_img NX新手学堂 刘德华11 2016-12-20 3 2066 ybcug 2018-12-11 20:50
initialization error G:nxbin is not a directory attach_img NX12.0交流 @初学者@123 2018-6-4 6 5728 ugfansqu 2019-4-23 14:02
UG安装错误nxbin is not a directory attach_img NX12.0交流 15895069130 2018-7-18 9 15262 hlpily 2021-5-11 15:48
UG打开报错cloud not find or load the qt platform plugin 'windows' attach_img NX12.0交流 943838767 2018-10-27 2 2123 943838767 2018-10-27 16:32
安装许可服务报错could not find /tmp请问是什么原因呢。 NX新手学堂 折腾水 2019-1-3 11 26391 shuxue8610 2021-12-11 10:06
NX1847许可报错warning: an unescaped backslash at end of string is not portable NX1847~2312系列 3D世界网-零 2019-1-21 1 6292 cx1188cxcxcx 2019-1-21 12:10

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